Sunday, November 18, 2012

I am tired of slavery

This a letter to G. Edward Griffin and his reply. The last word in GEG's reply is a link to his Freedom Force International site.


"2012 Nov 11 from John Carley, Buffalo, MO
I am tired of slavery. I paid income tax starting in about 1947 while in the U.S. Army – for what? The country owes $100 trillion fiat dollars to world crooks, a debt generated by perjurers posing as Judiciary, Executive, and Congress. State, county, and city liars all take an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution then violate every detail in it.

Please tell me how to combat this Criminal Empire. I'm 84 so might as well try to change this back to a Constitutional Republic. What is a better objective?

Being on Social Security, food stamps, and Medicare after being robbed by the Treasury, I have limited funds. Tell me what to do and the cost in fiat Federal Reserve Notes.

The answer is quite simple, so I'll keep it short.

(1) The enemies of liberty (let's call them collectivists) are in control of the major power centers of our nation: political parties, government branches and agencies, media, educational system, labor unions, financial institutions, military, and the like. They have that control because, for the past 100 years, they consciously pursued it while others shunned the struggle for power.

(2) Nothing will change until collectivists are dislodged from control of these power centers and replaced by those who believe that the state should serve the people not that people should serve the state (let's call them individualists).

(3) This will not happen without one heck of a fight. Those who now rule will not give up easily and will use every conceivable dirty trick to maintain and even expand their power. Therefore, the answer to the question of "what to do" is this: Individualists must quit being observers and complainers and become activists. They must network with others of like mind and confront collectivists head-on in all the major power centers – and they must keep doing it after defeat after defeat until, finally, they have acquired sufficient numbers and organizational skills to prevail.

(4) How many people will that require? Fifty0one percent of the population? The surprising answer is only about one percent. That's right. History always has been determined by a very small percentage of the population who are organized, dedicated, and willing to sacrifice for their cause. The real battle always is between two groups of about 1% each. The other 98% will always follow the winner. That is why I created Freedom Force International in 2002. It is a network of individualists who are determined to earn the right to be leaders in the power centers of their respective countries. If you want to become part of that historic mission, start here."

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