Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Obama's mainstreaming of Marxism

Like Barry Farber, I remember reading the same headline about the Communist Party endorsing Obama about a year ago. Aside from people like myself who had lived during the cold war in the 1950s and 60s and had fought communism, there was just a ho hum reaction to the news from the American public, and of course from the worthless Communist controlled news media.

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'This is not one of those pre-election screeds urging, “Don’t vote for Obama. He’s a Commie!” That’s a Frisbee toss; this, by comparison, is a space launch. I was alive and well in early 1950 when Wisconsin Sen. Joe McCarthy opened the “McCarthy Era” in Wheeling, W.Va., by leveling the accusation that there were 205 known Communists working in the U. S. State Department. I was alive and angry when our valiant World War II ally, the Soviet Union, started the Cold War with the Berlin Blockade in 1947. I shivered through the pinnacle of Communist power, the fall of South Vietnam in 1975. Then as little freedom-fights began to break out inside the Soviet empire I realized that the anti-Communist concussion of the Hungarian Revolution in 1956 had slapped a time limit on Communism’s future. If you see a Hungarian on the street, hug him.'

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