Wednesday, August 22, 2012

America on Alert!

J.D. Longstreet and I agree there is a possibility that Obama will avoid the elections in favor of him keeping his power through martial law. All he has to do is declare it, because Obama and his minions have been using Executive orders to do end runs around the Constitution and Congress for the past three and a half years. Why stop now?

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"There is a stream of anxiety running through America that is threatening to become a full fledged tsunami. It is fueled by deep, abiding suspicion of President Obama and his penchant for an overly strong centralized government.

Obama’s use of Presidential Executive Orders to literally MAKE US law, totally by-passing the people’s national legislature charged with actually making the laws of the land, lead to grassroots America’s perception of a dangerous pattern. It was a disturbing move by the President and it appeared to the average American as a not so subtle attempt by Obama to set himself up as America’s first dictator.

Far-fetched, you say? Paranoid, you say? Really? May we be so bold as to remind everyone: Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom. Protecting freedom is an on-going never-ending job.

There is a growing concern, out here in the hinterlands, that the scheduled election for November 6th, 2012 will never happen. Even more troubling is the number of Americans preparing for a complete meltdown of the government as we know it today and the establishment of Martial Law and a suspension of the elections in November."

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