Sunday, July 22, 2012

US Military Reveals Coup Plan To Topple Obama

I have no way of verifying this article from the EU Times, and there are interesting reader comments, but if true its about time for something like this to happen to save America and the Constitution. And do it before Obama declares martial law. Thanks George for the article.

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'A shocking Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation (MTC) report red-lined to President Putin this morning warns that “various elements” within the US Military establishment are “actively planning” for the overthrow of President Barack Obama prior to the November elections.
When asked by Russian commanders what parts of the American Constitution Obama had violated, this report continues, their US Military counterparts listed a number of serious charges that include:

1.) Obama’s authorizing the assassination of US citizens without their having charges made against them or being able to defend themselves at trials.

2.) Allowing the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to conduct murders on US soil.

3.) Allowing the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to tap the phones, intercept the emails, and in other ways spy upon the American public;

4.) Allowing the National Security Agency (NSA) to conduct against the American people the largest spy operation ever undertaken.

5.) Conduct an illegal and un-Constitutional war against Libya.

6.) Obama’s overturning of US laws by executive power without Congressional approval.
Most ominously for the American people are new reports being leaked by the US Military about Obama stating that his “mentors”, who include those of his inner circle, have long advocated the overthrowing of the Constitution and have openly discussed the “eliminating” of the estimated 25 million US civilians they believe would oppose them and not be able to be “reconditioned” in their planned reeducation camps.'

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