Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What!? Look at plans for compulsory sterilization, abortion

Look at what has been going on behind the scenes with Obamacare, Obama's secretive plan for socialized medicine.


Ballots with Obama's name facing more legal challenges

Obama's eligibility was challenged in New Hampshire, now in Georgia.


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

10 outlandish things the 'scientific' controllers have in mind for you in the near future

"Ten outlandish things the 'scientific' controllers have in mind for you in the near future. You won't like any of them. NaturalNews 2011 Nov 23" G. Edward Griffin


"What corporate-driven "science" has in mind for the future of humanity is far different from the dreamy utopian landscape that's been portrayed by the mainstream media.

#1) Organ harvesting from genetically modified, patented pigs

#2) "Behavioral vaccines" that rewire your brain to eliminate dissent

#3) Centralized, remote monitoring of all your health statistics and vital signs by the police state

#4) The total secrecy of all food ingredients, sources and places of origin

#5) The complete criminalization of home-produced foods and medicines, forcing total reliance on factory food production

#6) The unleashing of a global bioweapon pandemic through seasonal flu shots

#7) Total government control over your reproduction and the genetic code of your "offspring"

#8) Wireless brain implants that can be remotely activated by law enforcement to make entire crowds of people passive

#9) The genetic engineering and breeding of obedient super soldiers

#10) The electromagnetic activation of metals and nano-crystals injected into you through vaccines"

Ron Paul Highlights in 11/22/2011 Debate

Ron Paul stresses not giving up our Bill of Rights just because some people are terrorists.


Monday, November 28, 2011

Senators Demand the Military Lock Up American Citizens in a “Battlefield” They Define as Being Right Outside Your Window

This reminds me of how Bill Clinton was writing Executive orders while the public's attention was focussed on his impeachment.


"The Senate will vote next week on a bill that will allow the military to pick up and imprison citizens anywhere in the world, including America, without charges or trial. The bill was drafted in secret and passed in a closed-door committee without a public hearing. [Incidentally, this bill is sponsored by both Republicans and Democrats, just in case you thought there was a difference.] ACLU 2011 Nov 23"

Implantable Microchips and Cyborgs are No Longer Conspiracy Theories

This man/machine article contains a large amount of science fiction for now, but it is fascinating to speculate what could happen, and what some government agencies might have been doing. The comments that readers have made are interesting too.


"That technology is being created which may enable the lame to walk again is obviously good news.

However, for everything good in the world, there is an evil twin."

No serviceman can speak at any faith-based public event

Can you see the step made against the US citizens by Obama's leftist puppet masters?


"This is just how the Nazis did it in the 1930s -- slowly, one step at a time. This should be forwarded to everyone regardless of party affiliation! We have lost 50% of our freedom of speech in the last 2 years. The news media is not allowed to print anything negative about this evil Obama."

Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Quote of the Decade

Thanks Ed B. for this one.


“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US Government cannot pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government's reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America 's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that, "the buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.”

~ Senator Barack H. Obama, March 2006!

The Picture MSNBC didn't want you to see

I haven't been able to get the picture to display, but you'll get the gist of it anyway. Thanks for this Stewart.


Subject: The Picture MSNBC didn't want you to see.....

Yeah, that's a scumbag Wall Street protester "crapping" on the AMERICAN FLAG!

Most Americans are not politically aware.

While they can name all 5 finalists on American Idol, they cannot name their Congressman.

It's nice they have priorities. And it explains how we have the morons we have governing us in Washington presently. The Tea Party movement came out of nowhere to stand up and speak out against out-of-control government spending. While the Tea Party has been vilified by liberals and the Democrat party, it has continued to grow in strength.

Leftists have used everything from Alinsky tactics to lying to name calling to the total use of the mainstream media to destroy the Tea Party. But they underestimated the patriotism of the producers in America who support the Constitution and believe in capitalism.

Many of the American Idol experts sit idly by listening to Chris Matthews and Katie Couric disparage the Tea Party movement. They had nothing to compare the movement to. All of that changed when the Occupy Wall Street circus came to New York and spread quickly across the country.

Like an infection. Small bands of idiots with stupid signs printed by unions spouting lunacy have littered and "crapped" across the formerly pristine parks they now infest in dozens of American cities.

What a stark difference from the Tea Party movement!

Patriots holding American flags have orderly events with poignant messages about liberty and freedom and then leave in an orderly fashion.

Contrast that with the Occupy Wall Street miscreants!

Arrests, police being assaulted, rapes, flag burnings, pro-communist chanting, garbage, crapping in the streets an parks, incessant drumming, filth, profanity and lots and lots of losers who still don't really know why they're there!

Americans now clearly have a choice of what political ideology they want to support. On the one side, they can support hard working, law-abiding, patriots who pay this nation's bills or they can support the moochers who don't bathe while calling for killing the rich, whoever they are... and socialism!

What does this say? It says that Obama and the Democrat Party supports this group of leftist wasteoids while lying about tax paying, productive Americans in the Tea Party! It says the Democrat party must go away until it can return to the political scene as a serious, pro-American party instead of a party more aligned with America 's enemies!

Thank you George Soros and labor unions! You have exposed the idiocy of socialism once again and the stupidity of the people who call for it. Stalin used to call these people "useful idiots." Angry White Dude calls them "useless idiots!" And the best thing that ever happened to the Tea Party movement and America!

Look hard, America, at what your liberal schools and government have created! And bring a bar of soap and a hose!

College Student Responds to New Hampshire Representative Who Defends Obama’s “Presidency”

Chris Farrell presents an excellent summary of the fraudulent Obama. It still seems to me that Obama will flatly ignore we the people unless he is threatened somehow. Until then it will be more of his leftist agenda, to include his declaring martial law to keep the presidency.


No joke! ATF bans scrub-pad stockpiles

Don't you love government regulation? Your tax dollars at work.


Friday, November 25, 2011

New Hampshire has some ‘splainin’ to do

Naturally, the Commission, all Democrats, wanted their guy on the ballot.


"Atty. Orly Taitz has filed for a rehearing of the New Hampshire Ballot Law Commission’s decision, citing the removal from the state ballot of Mohamed in 2008. On November 18, the Commission claimed that anyone paying the $1,000 fee and completing a candidacy application qualified for a place on the New Hampshire ballot. Taitz used herself as an example of someone who might be disqualified, having been born in the Soviet Union. She told the Commission that Obama is using a stolen social security number and a forged birth certificate to commit fraud and treason against the United States, but the Commission voted to leave his name on the ballot rather than ask the Attorney General to investigate."

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Pressure rises in challenge to ballot listing for Obama

More eligibility heat for Obama from Orly Taitz. Go Orly!


Wednesday, November 23, 2011


A thought provoking 2 hour and 9 minute video that may change the way you look at the world.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Codex Alimentarius and Initium

Watch out for the UN control of our food.


"If we allow United Nations, the World Trade Organization, and the World Health Organization to control our food, they control our people, our freedom, and our population."

Monday, November 21, 2011

Orly Taitz, NH Ballot Law Commission and Fraudulent Obama Filing

Here is what happened at the hearing in New Hampshire to put Obama's name on the ballot. Unreal.


Now it's time to answer 'Where's the REAL Birth Certificate?'

It is too bad that Obama put us through a 3-year nightmare of fraud.


"When Barack Obama announced last spring that he was finally releasing his birth certificate after two-and-a-half years of battling court cases and ridiculing requests to prove his presidential eligibility, he declared it was time to "get serious" and move on."

Rep. Allen West lectures the media

Allen West calls it like he sees it. 3-minute video. Thanks Stewart.


Saturday, November 19, 2011

Ron Paul's Greatest Interview - Gold & Silver With Mike Maloney

If Ron Paul is blacked out by the controlled news media he can get a fair shake here. 41-minute video.


"Excellent interview with Ron Paul who explains the basics of monetary policy, inflation, how the present system hurts the common man's purchasing power and, more important, destroys freedom for everyone. YouTube posted 2011 Nov 14"

Stay away from chemotherapy and radiation

Dr. James Howenstine comments on chemotherapy. I wish I had known of successful alternative treatments years ago.


"For many years it has been known to well informed individuals within the medical community that chemotherapy and radiation were quite toxic and essentially worthless in the management of malignancies. This information is carefully covered up by our controlled media so that these two methods of therapy are regarded by lay persons as the proven therapy for malignancies. Like lemmings going over a cliff the general public lines up for these therapies and nearly all treated persons proceed to die.

To the person who inquires how can an essentially worthless therapy continue to be used the answer is simple. It is all about money. Chemotherapy drugs bring in more than a trillion dollars annually to the pharmaceutical industry. Oncologists frequently make $1000 from every injection administered to a patient.
Anyone reading this article has my permission to copy or publish this information. Hopefully, some individuals will be made aware that there are safe effective alternatives to chemotherapy and radiation in the treatment of malignancies."

US LLC Rules Allow Nuclear Power Companies To Take Profits, Dump Risk On Taxpayers

What's wrong with this picture? No risk to nuclear companies who are managing some reactors near a fault line. Remember how well Japan's and Russia's nuclear accidents were handled.


Ron Paul 2012 - Wins Again - Nov. 12th 2011 CBS Debate (MUST SEE) CORRUPT MEDIA

The media cuts out Ron Paul again.


Ron Paul Highlights @ CBS News Republican Debate in South Carolina

5-minute video of Ron Paul highlights.


The people's declaration to revoke and abolish

This is 34-minute video of the many violations and criminal acts of our government and what we shall do about them to correct the problem. It shows what I believe to be appropriate courses of constitutional action. I think that Obama and his minions will choose to ignore all this at their peril.

When I left the active Army in 1968 to start my civilian career, I remember a meeting with a man who had this inscribed on a plaque on his desk: "Illegitimi non carborundum" which is a mock-Latin aphorism meaning "Don't let the bastards grind you down".


Shocking gap in defenses: Nation risking catastrophe

Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUV) is one of the next threats to the United States.


"WASHINGTON – The prospect that countries such as China and Iran soon will have submarines trolling in waters in the Gulf of Mexico and up and down the East and West coasts of the United States is resurrecting concern over the security of oil and natural gas pipeline platforms in those areas, according to a report from Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin."

New Hampshire board decides Obama eligibility

Step right up with your paperwork and $1,000 and be on the presidential ballot. Next! OK Obama. Next! OK Jones. Next! OK Smith. Move it along folks. Nothing to see here. Next!


Friday, November 18, 2011

Lawmakers grill Obama over Border agent trial

Another "it's about time" story. Obama hasn't had his feet held to *any* accountability fire so far that I can see, and illegal immigrants have had a free ride because of it.


House passes concealed-weapons permit bill

It's about time!


A comment from Pete Johnson in Frankfort, Maine: "I just read every Face Book response on this page and I can't believe how dumned down you people are. It's not your fault, the government has been conditioning what you learn for your entire lives.

The right to bear arms is a FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT! The right to defend one's self PREDATES the Constitution! Congress can make NO LAW that restricts or regulates a FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT! The Constitution gives congress NO AUTHORITY to require background checks to purchase or permits to carry!

When you apply for a permit or license you are giving up your FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS. The application is your statement that government has the authority to regulate you and you consent to their laws and regulations."

Thursday, November 17, 2011

New Hampshire wakes up to Obama's alleged Social Security fraud

It is good that New Hampshire is not cowering in fear, like many judges on the Supreme Court, and is unafraid to challenge Obama's fraud.


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Massive chaos, gridlock to be unleashed on NYC

I am tired of George Soros and what his organizations are doing to us.


"NEW YORK – Watch out New York City. The Occupy anti-capitalist movement is preparing to serve a three-course meal of so-called direct action that apparently includes the blocking of subways and bridges as well as shutting down the stock market.

The attempt to cause mass chaos, slated for Thursday, is tied to the Tides Center, the George Soros-financed group that funds far-left causes. Tides grantees have been helping to direct Occupy from the onset of the anti-Wall Street movement."

Monday, November 14, 2011

The muzzling of Ron Paul and the GOP debate

The controlled news media has done it to Ron Paul again.


"If Ron Paul’s supporters always seem angry, they sometimes have a reason.

Last night’s GOP debate featured foreign policy. For 90 minutes the candidates fielded questions and declared their positions on Pakistan, Iran, China, nuclear arms proliferation, American forces in Afghanistan, and other matters of pressing concern. CBS aired only 60 minutes of that, which was a shame, and of those 60 minutes, Dr. Paul was given exactly...

89 seconds."

Will veterans bring an end to the socialist march on the USA?

A followup to the veterans protest of 11/11/11. Do you suppose the useless controlled news media didn't cover the story?


Sunday, November 13, 2011

Obama goes to a primary school

President Obama goes to a primary school to talk to the kids to get a little PR. After his talk he offers question time. One little boy puts up his hand and Obama asks him his name. " Walter," responds the little boy. "And what is your question, Walter?"

"I have 4 questions: First, why did the USA Bomb Libya without the support of Congress? Second, why do you keep saying you fixed the economy when it's actually worse? Third, why did you say that Jeremiah Wright was your mentor, then said that you knew nothing about his preaching and beliefs? Fourth, why are we so worried about Brazil drilling for oil, but we aren't allowed to?"

Just then, the bell rings for recess. Obama informs the kiddies that they will continue after recess. When they resume, Obama says, "OK, where were we? Oh, that's right: question time. Who has a question?"

Another little boy puts up his hand. Obama points him out and asks him his name. "Steve," he responds. "And what is your question, Steve?" Actually, I have 6 questions. First, why did the USA Bomb Libya without the support of Congress? Second, why do you keep saying you fixed the economy when it's actually worse? Third, why did you say that Jeremiah Wright was your mentor, then said that you knew nothing about his preaching and beliefs? Fourth, why are we so worried about Brazil drilling for oil, but we aren't allowed to? Fifth, why did the recess bell go off 20 minutes early? And sixth, what happened to Walter?"

Tectonic Weaponry : How to make an Earthquake

Weather modification can be useful as a weapon, as long as you can control it.


"Extremely low frequency (ELF) electro-magnetic energy waves can trigger earthquakes. These waves are being produced by a military facility in Alaska called HAARP. Particulates sprayed into the atmosphere (chemtrails) theoretically could be used in conjunction with HAARP to change the weather, including the creation of droughts, storms, and floods. YouTube posted 2011 Nov 10"

Ron Paul on CSNBC 11/3/11

Ron Paul appears to be the only person who knows what "living within your means" means. 18-minute video.


"Ron Paul is the center focus on the MSNBC Morning Joe Show and sets them straight about national debt and global wars. Excellent commentary. DailyPaul Posted 2011 Nov 5"

Jack Abramoff: The lobbyist's playbook

How Congress really worked.


Rally for impeachment gets air support

San Diego got some excitement with a towed banner.


"Some of the participants are also from several other local patriot groups," he said. "The participants voice many reasons why Obama should not be in office. In general, people believe that he is not a loyal American and was not fit or qualified to become president in the first place and that he has committed many acts, while in office, to confirm that opinion. Participants are also outraged that the news media has glossed over many troubling facts about his background and unconstitutional actions while in office."

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Health department tyrants raid local 'farm to fork' picnic dinner, orders all food to be destroyed with bleach

We have an out of control federal agency in Nevada.


"Laura Bledsoe explains in a letter to her guests written after the fact that two days prior to the event, SNHD contacted the farm to say that, because the picnic was technically a "public" event, the couple would have to obtain a "special use permit," or else face a very steep fine. Not wanting to risk having the event disrupted, the Bledsoes agreed to jump through all the demanded legal hoops even though their gathering was really just a backyard picnic."

CNBC Repeat, They Remove Ron Paul Leading Online Poll AGAIN

If strong support for Ron Paul occurs in a poll, the controlled news media erases the poll? WTF?


"CNBC removed its online poll after the Republican Presidential-candidate debate because Ron Paul was winning. The official excuse is that his margin of victory was so great, his supporters must have 'stacked' the Internet ballot box! This is the second time they have done this. HuntingtonNews 2011 Nov 10"

Friday, November 11, 2011

Ron Paul Veterans Day Money Bomb 11-11-11

There is no mistaking the joy that happens when troops come home. 4-minute video.


Pentagon chief hit with 'anti-American' charges

Leon Panetta as Secretary of Defense fits right in with the rest of Obama's disgusting, anti-American, leftist government officials.

Good comments from readers after the article.


Christmas 2011 -- Birth of a New Tradition

Thanks to Wayne B. for this. Merry Christmas! (Click the heading to read the article.)


"As the holidays approach, the giant Asian factories are kicking into high gear to provide Americans with monstrous piles of cheaply produced goods -- merchandise that has been produced at the expense of American labor. This year will be different. This year Americans will give the gift of genuine concern for other Americans."

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Remember those who put it all on the line

This is list of war-related books, DVDs and flags for sale by the WND store.


Stopping Obama – before 2012?

This is an interesting "survey of the plans to 'halt the bleeding' before it's too late."


'With the economic crisis worsening and Barack Obama resorting to rule by executive order and the presidential election still a year away, Americans from both sides of the political aisle are wondering if there are ways to "stop the bleeding" before January 20, 2013, and a change of administration.'

Sheriff Joe threatened for probing eligibility

You probably know why you don't hear about this in the controlled news media: this story is bad news for Obama.


'Amid death threats, Maricopa County, Ariz., Sheriff Joe Arpaio is scratching his head over the major media's virtual silence about his decision to investigate Barack Obama's eligibility to run for re-election.

"Getting death threats is nothing new for me," Arpaio told WND, referring to his national reputation as a tough enforcer of immigration laws. "But why has the media has decided to black out all news of our Obama investigation? That's what I don't understand.

"I'm a controversial guy and usually the media is all over me," he continued, "but when I decided to investigate Obama, the media has suddenly gone missing in action."'

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Congress called on to investigate Department of Justice

Having Eric Holder running the DOJ is like letting the fox run the hen house.


'The newest case his organization has taken on is the arrest and sentencing of Border Patrol Agent Jesus "Chito" Diaz for lifting the arms of a drug smuggler while he was handcuffed.

WND reported earlier that U.S. Rep. Duncan Hunter wrote to Attorney General Eric Holder seeking an explanation for the federal government's actions.

"It's amazing to think that the federal government and the Justice Department in particular, under your leadership, continued with a case against one of our nation's own Border Patrol officers that ended with an excessive two-year prison term for restraining a smuggler," Hunter wrote.'

We're from the government …

Patrice isn't sure that the government is ruining our country on purpose? She should read the reader comments following her article!


"We're from the government, and we're here to help. Now shut up, sit down and do what we say."

Congressman: Science 'czar' giving China U.S. technology

Doesn't it make you cringe to see Obama's unconstitutional czars violating the law?


"A congressman says he's alarmed that President Obama's science "czar," John Holdren, apparently has been collaborating with the Chinese even though Congress specifically prohibited that activity in a bill signed into law by his boss, Obama."

Friday, November 4, 2011

Gary Null, Jeremy Stillman and Nancy Ashley - Vaccine Conspiracy: The CDC Caught Lying Again

This article is long and is filled with medical terms. In summary, a major medical article on mercury in vaccines was based on false information.


"A bombshell revelation coming out of an investigation by the drug safety group Coalition for Mercury-free Drugs (CoMeD) has rocked the foundation of a belief widely held by mainstream medicine – the idea that vaccines do not cause autism. In a news release last Tuesday, CoMeD exposed a cover-up by authorities at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and vaccine researchers who deliberately omitted critical data from a 2003 article on mercury and autism that was carried out in Denmark. The conclusion of the article denied any causal relationship between the mercury-laden vaccine ingredient Thimerosal and autism. However, documents obtained by CoMeD indicate that the authors of the article, with the full approval of the CDC, decided to leave out large quantities of data which, in fact, supported a strong link between Thimerosal and the incidence of autism.

The documents, which were acquired through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), reveal correspondences between individuals at the CDC and scientists working on the Danish article."

The implementation of population control programs in China

18-minute video of a doctor who was lied to about China's abortion policy. It is a fascinating and chilling story of what infanticide happens in China on a daily basis. I am glad that most of our country values human life.


OH MY GOD Ron Paul is making sense!

This doesn't happen often! 6-minute video.


"Hold on to your hats! CNN acknowledges that Ron Paul makes sense and is a serious candidate. YouTube 2011 Oct 30"

Doctor and Wife Nearly Split Over Cancer Diagnosis, Holistic Healing

Here is one story with a happy ending.


'Parker said he has no idea why the holistic route his wife traveled seemed to work. "Most doctors are more tempted to laugh at it," he said.'

Sheriff: Time For Citizens To Arm Themselves

This sheriff doesn't beat around the bush. I like that. 13-minute video.


'Sheriff Chuck Wright opened his news conference by saying, "Our form of justice is not making it."
He said, "Carry a concealed weapon. That'll fix it."'

Scientist Marco Kaltofen Presents Data Confirming Hot Particles

This an update to the articles posted about the radiation accident in Japan. 7-minute video. It is unfortunate for all that this scientist says that if we had to wait for the government and the media to inform us we would still be waiting.


"Washington, DC - October 31, 2011 – Today Scientist Marco Kaltofen of Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) presented his analysis of radioactive isotopic releases from the Fukushima accidents at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association (APHA). Mr. Kaltofen’s analysis confirms the detection of hot particles in the US and the extensive airborne and ground contamination in northern Japan due to the four nuclear power plant accidents at TEPCO’s Fukushima reactors. Fairewinds believes that this is a personal health issue in Japan and a public health issue in the United States and Canada."

Whaaaaaaaaaaaat a coincidence!

Another eye opener from Stewart. Thanks!


Hey, this is great boys and girls! Imagine the odds of this happening.

Do you know the park in NYC that the Wall Street protesters are occupying? Zucotti Park.

Did you know this park is not owned by the city? It is owned by Brookfield Properties.

Who was just hired by Brookfield Properties as an attorney? Vice President Joe Biden's son.

Who sits on the board of Brookfield Properties? Mayor Bloomberg's live in girlfriend.

Now, boys and girls, guess what company just recieved some of the last of the Obama Stimulus $$$$$$$. Thaaaaaaaaaaaaat's right, Brookfield Properties.

Isn't life great boys and girls!

Hey, on a completely unrelated note, Wisconsin is shaping up to be the swing state in the 2012 presidential elections. Not Florida. Not Ohio. But Wisconsin.

Now, boys and girls, guess who owns the company that will be tabulating the electronic votes in Wisconsin. Thaaaaaaaaaaaat's right, the biggest contributor to Obama, George Soros.

Whaaaaaaaat a coincidence boys and girls!

Remember what Stalin said. "He who votes does not have power. He who counts the votes has power".

1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody, anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work, because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

ACORN Officials Scramble, Firing Workers and Shredding Documents, After Exposed as Players Behind Occupy Wall Street Protests

ACORN again!


'“And all the supplies—everything around the office that said ‘ACORN’ -- is now all in storage until this blows over,” the source said. “People literally have to cover up the cameras on the back of their cellphones in the office.”'

Warning: Obama Ed aims at U.S. takeover

Should there be more federal involvement in our educational process? I think not, as our kids aren't learning the basics, and what they are getting contains too much leftist drivel and not enough about US history.


'All schools – even parents at home – may be forced to teach gov't agenda.

An organization that monitors the U.S. government's influence on education, and specifically on parents who choose to school their own children, is warning of a pending move in Washington that would result in "de facto national education standards."'

Tiger Woods

This is great. Thanks Stewart.

Isn't it amazing that, within only one week of Tiger Woods crashing his Escalade, the press found every woman with whom Tiger has had an affair during the last few years?

And, they even uncovered photos, text messages, recorded phone calls, etc.! Furthermore, they not only know the cause of the family fight, but they even know it was a wedge from his golf bag that his wife used to break out the windows in the Escalade.

Not only that, they know which wedge!

And, each and every day, they were able to continue to provide America with updates on Tiger's sex rehab stay, his wife's plans for divorce, as well as the dates and tournaments in which he will play.

Now, Barack Hussein Obama has been in office for two years, yet this very same press:
· Cannot find any of his childhood friends or neighbors;
· Or find any of Obama's high school or college classmates;
· Or locate any of his college papers or grades;
· Or determine how he paid for both a Columbia & a Harvard education;
· Or discover which country issued his visa to travel to Pakistan in the 1980's;
· Or even find Michelle Obama's Princeton thesis on racism.

They just can't seem to uncover any of this. Yet, the public still trusts that same press to give them the whole truth...

Media Ignoring Veterans Call For Impeachment

Let's watch and see what happens.


11/11/11 protesters: 'Time for talking has passed'

I wonder if you'll see the controlled news media covering this story of the veterans protest.


'The focal point of concern for the rally? "To date, there are no signs that anyone in Washington, D.C., intends to keep the oaths they have taken to the Constitution and to the people of the United States. Instead, they seem quite disinterested in protecting the Constitution, and are instead, directly engaged in subverting every principal and value stated in all of our founding documents."'

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Big Sis gives Muslim Brotherhood secret clearance

Did Janet Napolitano fall off the turnip truck? She seems totally ignorant, or else she is covering up with Obama and Holder.


'It was jaw-dropping testimony. Looking like a character in a John Waters film, Janet Napolitano is either clueless or complicit, or outright lying to cover for her Muslim Brotherhood appointments. Napolitano denies being aware of a Muslim Brotherhood-tied operative whom she swore in.

Rep. Gohmert does a spectacular job pressing Napolitano on her knowledge of the story of Mohamed Elibiary. Gohmert asked if she was aware of Elibiary's activities, and she said she was not. The congressman then further pressed Napolitano on her knowledge of Elibiary's support for the Ayatollah Khomeini. Again she feigned concern and professed ignorance.

This is the head of the Department of Homeland Security claiming ignorance about an important manifestation of the most dangerous threat to the homeland, the global jihad and Islamic imperialism and expansion. All of her answers indicate that she is being led by her not inconsequential nose by those who seek in their own words to work toward "eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house."'

Sheriff Joe: 'Show me the microfilm!'

Sheriff Joe Arpaio hit the nail on the head. It is difficult to imagine Obama weasling out of this. I'm sure that he and his czars will try, however.


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Obamacare challenge to cite eligibility doubts

An alternative way to get rid of Obama: protest his Obamacare legislation as void because he is an illegitimate president.


Justice Department Sues South Carolina Over State's Strict Immigration Law

Here we go again with Eric Holder's do-nothing DOJ.


'"If the feds were doing their job, we wouldn't have had to address illegal immigration reform at the state level," Rob Godfrey said. "But, until they do, we're going to keep fighting in South Carolina to be able to enforce our laws."'