Thursday, January 20, 2011

Obama Marching Us Toward Martial Law - Building a Coalition of Forces Within the US - 2/25/2010

I have received complaints from one person that my research should have been better before I believed that Obama is criminal usurper. I maintain that he is not a natural born American citizen, due to his father being a British citizen, and that he is an illegitmate president and should be unseated. I don't have the video of him speaking to the UN, but isn't it also very illegal for a president to declare his loyalty to the UN, which means to give up the US sovereignty and it's borders, and to uphold his oath to be loyal the US Constitution at the same time? How loyal has he been to keeping our borders secure? He can't be loyal to both the UN and the US at the same time. To me, that is grounds for arresting him as a criminal and unseating him (NOT impeaching him) immediately!

This is a link to a chilling video I posted on February 25, 2010. At that time Obama was almost unstoppable, with George Soros' support. Obama wanted a civilian force as just as powerful, just as strong, and just as well funded as the military. And why did he want a homeland force? He had our children singing his praise in school, led by their teachers. Who does this remind you of? What does it remind you of? It reminds me of German history in the 1930s, with Hitler, martial law and children following the dictator. As a former military officer, this got my attention big time!

This was all in just the first minute of the video! There are a few more minutes. Next is a House bill 645 transferring control of closed military bases to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), to establish National Security Centers in various FEMA Regions and "facilities for housing for a large number of individuals for an extended period of time". To me, this means round up people and put them in concentration camps. Then each facility is required to have two state-of-the-art command and control centers full and ready 24/7. Wait there's more.

DHS warned that patriots are domestic terrorists, and alerts law enforcement to watch for these dangerous people. Returning military veterans and pro-gun groups are dangerous. The video continues, showing footage of the September 2009 peace rally that the disgusting controlled news media blacked out. Then there's his Executive Order exempting Interpol from US laws, signed during Christmas, December 16, 2009, when many people weren't paying close attention to what Obama was up to. Then another Executive Order in January, creating a Council of Governors aligned with the FEMA regions to coordinate the role of the US military within the US! What is the purpose of that?


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