Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hillary Clinton's background

The following is perhaps more than you'd like to know about Hillary. The problem is that she's still a powerful world government person 10 years after this interview. Instead of riding her broom off into oblivion, she keeps coming back, and back.


“Barbara Olson, author of Hell to Pay. The Unfolding Story of Hillary Rodham Clinton (Regnery Publishing, Inc. 1999), is a prominent Washington attorney who served as a congressional investigator and as a general counsel in the United States Senate. She was interviewed by Cliff Kincaid, president of America’s Survival, on December 8, 2000. What follows is an edited transcript of that interview.

Mrs. Clinton is best known for her support of the radical U.N. agenda that affects families, women and children.

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) believes in a world government under the auspices of the United Nations that will destroy American sovereignty and traditional families.

A media black-out has kept most Americans in the dark about the support that Mrs. Clinton and her husband gave to the World Federalist Association (WFA), a controversial organization which openly advocates world government.

The U.N.’s radical agenda in both social and military affairs is embraced by the World Federalist Association, which hosted the then-First Lady on October 19, 1999. When Mrs. Clinton spoke to the group, she was approving an organization that, like the U.N. itself, was on the wrong side of the Cold War.

Global Citizens

Mrs. Clinton’s address was delivered in the context of commending Walter Cronkite, the former anchorman of the CBS Evening News, and the WFA,

Cronkite also called for passage of several U.N. treaties, including:

• The treaty to ban land mines [24];

• The Law of the Sea Treaty;

• The Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty; [25]

• The Convention to Eliminate All Forms of Discrimination Against Women;

• The Convention on the Rights of the Child; and

• The treaty for a permanent International Criminal Court.

U.N. treaties which have remained dormant in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee could be forced to the Senate floor for a quick vote. Mrs. Clinton might be able to persuade just enough liberal or “moderate” Republicans to ratify these documents.

In college, Hillary Clinton expressed admiration for an article written by a 1960s SDS student protest leader, described as a Marxist or Maoist, who “defended Ho Chi Minh and Castro, and Maoist tactics of violence.”

One of Hillary Clinton’s role models is Bella Abzug, the late pro-Communist and pro-U.N. activist.

Subverting Congress

Another U.N.treaty, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which is strongly backed by Clinton, would also mandate government control or even a break-up of the family. It would subject U.S. policies on families and children to approval by an international body.

Feminism to Communism

The scheduling of the 1995 U.N. Fourth World Conference on Women in Communist China was controversial but no accident. It is relevant to what the U.N. planners and the feminists have in mind for the world.

Not too far from the five-star hotel where the feminists were meeting, baby girls and boys were being starved to death at Communist Chinese orphanages.

Global Education

American students are becoming “global citizens” who lack knowledge of American history and American founding documents.

A key aspect of the new approach to education is to downplay such areas as U.S. history and civics. A federal survey discovered that only 41 percent of 4th graders could correctly answer a multiple choice question on why the Pilgrims came to America.”

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