Saturday, September 4, 2010

Battle-scarred judge says Lakin decision ignores Constitution

It seems that Obama and the Leftists who support him control the Congress and the courts. What a travesty! And people who support the Constitution, like Judge Moore, are on the outside looking in.


'His dispute centered on a Ten Commandments display he put in a state building to recognize the God who inspired the Founders of America.

With her decision, Lind mirrored a number of federal judges who have ruled on civil lawsuits over Obama's eligibility. They have without exception denied the plaintiffs' access to any requested documentation regarding the president's eligibility.

Lind ruled that it was "not relevant" for the military to be considering such claims, that the laws allegedly violated by Lakin were legitimate on their face and that the chain of command led up to the Pentagon, and that should have been sufficient for Lakin.

Moore said the ruling is a symptom of a judiciary across the nation that now believes in following "blindly."'

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