Sunday, September 12, 2010

Bush, Obama, and the Nine-year “Emergency”

I received this post fom my friend Kurt this morning. Lets hope we don't get an instant replay of the similar Adolf Hitler dictatorship in 1933. If Obama doesn't like the November election forecast, what would prevent him from setting the elections aside under his "emergency" authority. Look at his record of Executive Orders. Would it surprise you if he proclaimed himself the Chancellor of the United States?

He, his non-elected czars, and "money bags" George Soros are already planning for a world government. The Democrats control Congress and Soros is planning to control the courts. The news media are already on board with the state controlled news and news blackouts. Our children will be getting the Communist revised history from our government. And Hillary Clinton is on board with the UN control of citizen guns. What better time for Omama to declare martial law and assume command?

This is the second time I have made this type of prediction, and I hope I am wrong, but the powers that be seem to be putting all the pieces in place to prove me right.


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