Monday, June 21, 2010

Oil’s Well That Ends…Well, Hopefully With Obama’s Resignation

If only Obama wasn't so arrogant and condescending to the citizens you might even feel sorry for him when he is in clearly over his head. But it's his way or the highway and we're waiting for the cap and trade bill to get rammed down our throats next, now that we have health care, or it illegal aliens next?

What do you bet that Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi schedule a vote during the fourth of July holiday when people are otherwise occupied with their families, like what happened during last Christmas?


"If you happened to catch Barack Obama’s first televised address from the Oval Office and were looking for steady leadership, an end to the gushing oil or common sense managing the cleanup, you were probably very disappointed. Unfortunately for the United States, not only is Obama illegitimate, he’s also incompetent, reckless and he represents everything our Founders warned us to abolish; a clear and present danger to our well-being, freedoms and way of life."

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