Saturday, September 21, 2013

Jerome Corsi: LBJ Knew About and Supported JFK's Assassination

Jerome Corsi has an excllent 9-minute video where he discusses new material on the assassination of President Kennedy.

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'President Lyndon B. Johnson knew about and supported President John F. Kennedy's assassination, New York Times bestselling author Dr. Jerome Corsi tells Newsmax.

As the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President Kennedy approaches, Corsi released his latest book Wednesday, "Who Really Killed Kennedy?" looking at who was really behind the assassination of the president and the veracity of the Warren Commission, who headed up the investigation.
"One of the major forces behind the assassination was Allen Dulles, who was head of the CIA under President Eisenhower and when Jack Kennedy fired Allen Dulles after the Bay of Pigs fiasco, I think that's when Jack Kennedy signed his death warrant," Corsi says.
"When Jack Kennedy was killed, the CIA had what it wanted, namely the ability to put a president in place who would follow the CIA's script. And we had the Tonkin Gulf incident, a false flag. We went in with Lyndon Johnson to Vietnam.
Corsi says that "the Warren commission was corrupt," which he argues can be proven by a memo written by assistant attorney general Nicholas Katzenbach saying that "the purpose of the commission was to make sure that the blame was put on Lee Harvey Oswald. The Warren Commission was constituted so the blame did not go to the Soviet Union, did not come back on the CIA, did not name Lyndon Johnson."'

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