Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Gov't Operation Denies You Access to Guns & Gold

This story comes from a company named Wholesale Direct Metals, Inc. a discount volume precious metals dealer. The story is obviously against tyrannical government.

"As first exposed by the Wall Street Journal, the Department of Justice and bank regulators are unconstitutionally pressuring banks to refuse banking services to perfectly legal industries, under the guise that they pose a “reputation risk” to the bank. Not surprisingly, two of the main industries targeted by this illegal program just happen to be two of the biggest threats to the federal government: guns and gold...
Operation Choke Point
As initially reported by the Wall Street Journal, “Operation Choke Point” was secretly launched to cut certain industries off from banking services, under the pretense that they jeopardize the “reputation” of the banks... 
What’s more, Operation Choke Point is conducted without first having shown that the targeted companies are violating the law. All of the targeted industries are perfectly legal, and the companies have not been charged with any crime...
There’s no need to explain why the federal government would want to shut down gun manufacturers & sellers. A well regulated militia, although necessary to the security of a free state, is a direct threat to a tyrannical government. The question is, why target gold? The obvious answer: gold is as great a threat to the nefarious interests of the state as guns are!
Why? Because the United States and governments across the globe are increasingly turning to private wealth confiscation in order to manage their massive debts and maintain their power structure."

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