Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Reality Check: More Americans Are Rethinking 9/11

Ben Swann points out that in the twelve years since 9/11 more people are doubting the "official" government story of what happened. 14-minute video.

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"Did you know that a 3rd building fell on 9-11? That bill board is today over Times Square. It was placed there through donations to a campaign called Rethink 9/11.

In fact, that group has placed posters and signs across the world, from Australia, to Canada, from San Francisco to right here in New York City.

So what is Rethink 9/11? Wouldn’t only a fringe group of people would still question 9/11? Perhaps not, because today we will tell you about new polling that shows a majority of those polled either question the official 9/11 story or don’t believe it at all. Is that possible?
That the way Building 7 fell was without the building tipping or rocking and that in order to fall like this, a building could only come down IF all the internal columns supporting building were to give way at the same time.

Enginneering is a technical field but most of us would know this as a controlled demolition."

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