Friday, January 27, 2012

0bama not eligible in GA - AL won't let him register to be on ballot - IL has petition to keep him off ballot

Well, now what? In spite of his failure to emerge as a victor in Georgia, what can Obama do now? Sooner or later, the controlled news media will have to cover this story. If the power brokers in the National Security Council, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg group, the CFR, and George Soros decide to continue with Obama and not "throw him under the bus," we could see a "national emergency" declared *soon* that would have Obama as our "leader." Or what about Joe Biden if not Obama? 24-minute video.

This could be something like the health emergency he declared a few years back saying everyone must be vaccinated and you're a terrorist if you don't. Or maybe a financial doom crisis as Obama and the bankers give away our money to foreign interests. Or a food crisis. Or a large storm crisis. Or a nuclear incident. It could be a "false flag" operation, where we attack ourselves and make it look like we were attacked, as similar stuff was done to get us into World War II and the Vietnam wars. Hitler did a similar plan to get his dictatorship going with public support. Use your imagination.

It would need to be something that the people would rush to participate, to prevent the perceived bad or deadly outcome. If food and water was only available in Wal-Mart stores, would you hurry to get in line? A disaster could have "broken" the normal pipe lines.

If this power grab is for more than the USA and its Constitution, likely Obama would have to coordinate with the UN. The UN needs to be at the leadership position of the world government, or the New World Order.

I expect the unusual to happen. This is his last chance to have a "national emergency." I don't think that Obama is ready to play dead yet or to give up what he has as a result of his false "presidency." And Sheriff Joe Arpaio's report is due in February which will be another nail in Obama's coffin.


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