Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Ron Paul: Conversation with the Candidate

It really bothers me to see the leftist controlled news media determining which stories we get to read and which stories are deliberately ignored. Take Ron Paul. The press says he is "unelectable" and doesn't mention him, or mentions his name while sneering. Excuse me, but *I* will decide for whom I will vote, not you. Years ago, I and a few million former readers of the traditional newspapers decided not to support such worthless reporting with our money. We have discovered better reporting on the Internet. Dan Rather said, "I don't know what you are talking about," when asked about media bias, and he may have said that honestly as it was second nature to him. Well, goodbye Dan Rather and mainstream newspapers and good riddance!

Ron Paul has a 56-minute video of his visit to New Hampshire, but I liked reading the transcipt more because I set the pace and have the time and freedom to reread portions. He is one person who understands how our economy got into its current mess and how to get out of it.


'But in 1971, Richard Nixon said, “No more running out of gold, we can’t do this, we need tariffs”, and all these other things. So it was a big event. It meant, to me, that there would be no limits on spending, and no limits on the printing press machine. And just look at what’s happened in this last 30, 40 years.
the role of government ought to be the protection of liberty, and it’s done through the Constitution, and the Constitution was written to restraint the government and not the American people.
The best way, and as far as I’m concerned, the only way, we should solve the problem of the deficit, is to cut spending and not raise taxes.
I wouldn’t have a department of education.'

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