Thursday, March 10, 2011

Undercover sting catches NPR talking about Obama birth

This is the story from yesterday admits with the hard to hear video, where National Public Radio admitted they are covering up the story. What if the story got out that Obama is a liar and his presidency is a fraud and the Supreme Court helped to cover it up? It reminds me of Nixon's last days. And why are some people still willing to give Obama a pass? Is there no end to Pelosi and the "useful idiots"?


'"We're not covering the birthers. We are not covering them," Liley said. "There's a whole movement within the conservative group about questioning something that Obama has said as fact, 'I was born in Hawaii, when it was a United States state.' The group that questions this, some of whom are commentators ... I don't know any who are Democrats, but they are primarily conservative commentators and people who follow them question if Obama is [a natural-born citizen]."

Liley also cites a "stunning" study revealing that "51 percent of Americans now believe that Obama was not born in the United States."'

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