Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Chinese Troops In Mexico?

Heads up. Thanks to Your Uncle Sam's blog post. If this is true, and I would like to see more documentation on the troops, we won't hear about it on the controlled news media until it's too late to do anything about it. The land in question would pay for part of the debt Obama keeps building to the Chinese.

Of course, Obama doesn't have any authority under the Constitution to do this, but he has ignored the Constitution plenty of times already. I have hope that the Oath Keepers in our military would stand down if civil unrest occurs with our people, and our soldiers not be replaced by Chinese troops against us.


"What am I trying to say? I believe this “triangle” is the collateral that we just gave the Chinese to cover our national indebtedness to the Chinese. Or, in other words, when the USA defaults, we default this land and its resources, including its people to the Chinese, lock, stock and barrel."

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