Monday, November 22, 2010

The winning hand of eligibility issue

I was wrong that waiting for the courts, including the Supreme Court, to do their job, and to issue some common sense rulings that would cut through Obama's bullshit and let the lawsuits against him run their course of discovery of the evidence. I thought the Supreme Court would eventually do the right thing. But noooooo! It's taken too long and I now have to agree with WorldNetDaily's Bob Unruh:

'But, as I have said countless times, there is no judge in America who is ever going to rule the sitting "president" ineligible. It's just not going to happen. The judiciary is, like it or not, a political institution.'

So we will have to hope that Congress grows a pair after the lame duck circus is over and impeaches Obama the way he has deserved from the very beginning of his sorry, totally dishonest, term of usurpation. And get rid of his communist czars, too!


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