Sunday, August 8, 2010

Army gags Lieutenant Colonel challenging Obama eligibility

Remember Lieutenant Colonel Lakin, the Army officer who's career is being screwed by Obama's refusal to release Obama's records of Obama's birth? LTC Lakin's court martial is coming up October 13.


'The trial will now move to the discovery phase, where Jensen will again be making requests for President Obama's birth certificate and other relevant documents to support Lakin's case.

The American Patriot Foundation said the records have been the target of many civil lawsuits over Obama's eligibility. But the lawsuits all have been dismissed on procedural grounds, such as the "standing" of the plaintiff, and none has yet addressed the merits of the arguments.

Tim Adams, a former senior elections clerk for Honolulu, has said there "definitely" are problems with Obama's Hawaii birth story.

"As of the time I was in Hawaii working in the elections office we had many people who were asking about the eligibility of Senator Obama to be president. I was told at the time there is no long-form birth record, which would have been the case if President Obama was born in [a] hospital in Honolulu. There is no such form in Hawaii," he said.'

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