Tuesday, March 23, 2010

ObamaCare By Executive Order

This is part of an email I received from AmeriPAC, with the request for donations removed.


"ALERT:Obama who called it his healthcare bill wielded the power of the Oval Office and acted like a true socialist dictator. In a highly partisan proceeding Obama and House Democrats forced a "suicide run" taking the final step toward destroying American healthcare. Obama struck a deal to buy the principles and votes of Democrats and issued his decree "executive order" to get 219 votes ramming ObamaCare through. Meanwhile the chair presiding over the spectacle told Americans in the gallery in the House on national TV to keep quiet or be removed.

Obama's Executive order means nothing and does not trump the legislation passed and based on Obama's record for keeping his word will likely not be enforced. I wouldn't take Obama's word if he said it rains a lot in Seattle.

Obama truly made history by betraying America and has become a Progressive Dictator ruling from the extreme liberal left with his own agenda.

Democrats ignored the 60% of Americans that do not want ObamaCare. Democrats ignored a mountain of more than 1,346,016 faxes from AmeriPAC supporters and phone calls that virtually shut down the Congressional switchboard. Democrats told Americans that their government does not listen to them. Instead Democrats accepted Pelosi's bribes of power, money, promises of committee positions and getting better office space and sold out America.

AmeriPAC continues to work tirelessly in its fight to stop the progressive socialist agenda of Obama. Our work is just starting and we are listening to the 68% of Americans who want to replace a broken Congress in the 2010 elections in November. ObamaCare is not only about a healthcare agenda to Obama it is about the commitment he made to the Chicago Democratic Socialist Party documented at websites within their archives and published by the "Progressive Populist" a socialist magazine, in November 1996 recognizing that Obama was indeed an acknowledged member of the Socialist Party and said " New Party member Barack Obama was uncontested for a State Senate seat from Chicago."

There is no conjecture, no guessing. The fact is that as recently as 1996 Senator Obama was an active member of the Chicago Democratic Socialist Party.

Obama, Pelosi and the Democrats have shut Americans out of the Healthcare debate and ready or not THEY RUSHED, PUSHED AND PASSED A FINAL HOUSE OBAMACARE VOTE ON SUNDAY without real debate. The final bill vote had been delayed by a growing list of Democrats having ObamaCare remorse.

The Senate bill is primed to become law once President Obama signs it, but the Senate must still pass the reconciliation bill that will alter the main bill in order for Democrats' work on health care to be over. Among other things, the bill would strip the Senate bill of politically-toxic provisions like the so-called "Cornhusker Kickback."

Republicans will continue to fight offering hundreds of amendments to challenging whether elements of the bill are allowed under the rules of the special process of reconciliation. Sen. Judd Gregg (R-N.H.), the top Republican on the Senate Budget Committee, made it clear yesterday passing the reconciliation bill would be a battle.

"The last thing we should do is allow this failed policy to worsen," Gregg said in a statement. "The reconciliation bill was used to buy votes in the House, but that does not mean that the Senate should go along with this misguided exercise." Harry Reid assured House Democrats that the reconciliation bill will pass with a letter from more than 52 senators indicating they support its passage

Dick Morris Revealed the Democratic Deal to Defraud America

In February Morris's source said, Reid will provide to Pelosi a letter signed by 52 Democratic senators indicating they will pass the major changes, or "fixes," the House Democrats are demanding. Again, these fixes will be approved by the Senate only after Obama signs the Senate bill into law.

•First, the House will pass the Senate ObamaCare bill and Pelosi will not allow amendments or modifications.
•Second in secret behind closed doors, Reid and Pelosi have agreed in principle that changes to the Senate bill will be made to satisfy liberal House members - but only after the Senate bill is passed and signed into law by Obama.
Morris continued and said, a Senate source cautions: "Senators more than House members and both more than ordinary people, lie."

This is outrageous and exactly what voters in Massachusetts voted against. FAX NOW AND OFTEN AND MAKE CALLS TO CONGRESS. We need your continued help more than ever as Socialized Health Care MUST STILL Be Stopped.

The deal is secured by a pledge from Reid and the Senate's Democratic caucus that they will make "fixes" to the Senate bill after it becomes law with Obama's John Hancock."

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