Monday, March 15, 2010

Finding out what happened on 9/11

Since last summer I have been interested in exposing Obama for the wool he tried to pull over our eyes. I have found that when he or his press secretary, Robert Gibbs, tries to dismiss a news agency or pooh pooh a story, that is a good place to dig deeper to find out what happened. Because you ask you get ridiculed and called names, like a birther, a truther, or a conspirator, and the main stream media has a field day with what a dweeb you are to ask, and if you’re a veteran, the Dept. of Homeland Security labels you a possible terrorist risk. Would it surprise anyone if the IRS is involved in some cases?

Obama won’t reveal his citizenship other than referring to a worthless certificate from Hawaii. He has spent $1.7 million to cover it up. In the meantime, look at the damage he, his Chicago czars, and his Congressional boot lickers have done to our country.

One of the nice things about being retired is you have some time to spend on research you wouldn’t normally have. That is how I came to wonder about Obama’s plans for our country and to try to share them with you in a timely manner.

I found out that I was wrong to trust George Bush just because he kept us safe after 9/11. It turns out that he was probably opening our borders in preparation for a Mexico-USA-Canada partnership. Globalism and New World Order a la Clinton.

And there are disturbing questions regarding how the buildings fell on 9/11 that happened on Bush’s watch. I am just relaying what happened. Go to the source at and get a DVD.

1,122 architectural and engineering professionals and 7,461 other supporters including A&E students have signed the petition demanding of Congress a truly independent investigation. The investigation centered on the fire only.

What caused the intense heat? According to them it couldn’t have been jet fuel, because that doesn’t burn hot enough to destroy girders and flooring. It looked more like thermite explosive. The families of the victims and fire fighters and the rest of us deserve an honest answer. I’m sick of being lied to. This is only one question. There are a lot more. Watch the DVD.

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