Saturday, June 6, 2015

Weather Modification

Freeland, Elana (2014-05-26). Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth


This book very thoroughly discusses the “research project” of the military’s application of weather modification and its vast impact on our planet. An excerpt:


 “This internally trapped electromagnetic energy in local spacetime is why longitudinal (scalar) wave interferometer standing waves can work as action-at-a-distance:


What you do is that you set up a standing wave through the earth and the molten core of the earth begins to feed that wave (we are talking Tesla now). When you have that standing wave, you have set up a triode. What you’ve done is that the molten core of the earth is feeding the energy and it’s like your signal— that you are putting in— is gating the grid of a triode . . .Then what you do is that you change the frequency. If you change the frequency one way (start to diphase it), you dump the energy up in the atmosphere beyond the point on the other side of the earth that you focused upon. You start ionizing the air, you can change the weather flow patterns (jet streams, etc.)— you can change all of that— if you dump it gradually, real gradually— you influence the heck out of the weather. It’s a great weather machine. If you dump it sharply, you don’t get little ionization like that. You will get flashes and fireballs (plasma) that will come down on the surfaces of the earth . . .you can cause enormous weather changes over entire regions by playing that thing back and forth.


Bearden puts it another way:


Focus the interference zone (IZ) on the other side of the earth (beam right through the earth and ocean) to a given desired area in the atmosphere. Bias your transmitters positively. You produce atmospheric heating in the air in the IZ, so that the air expands and you have produced a low-pressure zone. Now use a second interferometer biased negatively and place it at a distant IZ desired. In that IZ, you cool the air so it shrinks and becomes denser, and you have created a high-pressure area. Now place several such IZs, with the desired highs and lows, near a jet stream. The jet stream will be deviated toward a low and away from a high. By varying the transmitted energy and the IZ location (just move it gradually along), you can entrain and steer the jet streams and therefore effectively “steer” the resulting weather.”


For years, the military of various countries have been involved in making a weapon out of the weather. For example:


“Say someone wants a tornado in Joplin, Missouri, like the one on May 22, 2011. Five days before a weather front rolls in, chemtrail particulates are laid in California; two ionospheric heaters are fired up and more chemtrail particulates laid as the storm intensifies and changes direction. Make sharp bends in the jet streams and speed them up to spawn more and more little rotations; focus the interference zone under the ocean to heat or cool water in a selected area.”

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