Saturday, September 17, 2011

The federal government in an open war against Americans

This article is dated June 11, 2009, back when I trusted the government and the military, but Obama had been elected by the stupid and the foolish, and word began to spread about Obama's plans to set up his dictatorship. The controlled news media was all for him, and anyone who disagreed with him was subject to ridicule. It reminded be of Germany in the 1930s. Marti Oakley, the author of this article, had it right about Obama.


'It’s all there at every turn. Bills to overtake the food supply and production. Bills to put a kill switch on the internet. Bills to make our thoughts “crimes”. More bills to take away our right to bear arms. Bills to tag and track us like animals. Bills to seize control of the water supplies. Bills forcing us into compliance with illegal trade agreements. Bills, bills, everywhere bills……and all of them dedicated to the overthrow of the Republic and the subjugation of the population. If any of us had any doubts, surely in light of these assaults on liberty, the attempts to seize control of the food and water supplies and to deem any one of us as “domestic terrorists” for dissenting, these should wake us up to the reality of the future we all face.'

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